My novel, WHAT'S A MOTHER TO DO? has until recently been available only through Now there are a couple of new (and easier) ways to order, and within 6 weeks, hopefully, there may be more still. I'm hoping to get the book into bookstores across the country, and also public libraries. But don't hold your breath on either of those. At present, the book has had practically no publicity and no reviews--it is new on the market, and I'm still learning--so it don't get no respect. Yet.
If you go through, you may have trouble finding the book. It's not that hard, but it's not dead-easy. Click on
You will go directly to the book, without hassle, and will be treated with a brief description of its contents. Then add it to your cart--it's that easy. BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE!
If you live somewhere besides Owensboro (and doesn't almost everyone) I can order the book for you. I will autograph it and ship it to you at the same price you'd pay through Amazon. IMAGINE! YOUR VERY OWN AUTOGRAPHED COPY! hahaha Then comes the bad part. You gotta pay for it! I'm in the process of setting up Paypal, which is an old reliable standard for online buying. Watch this space. As soon as Paypal is set up, I'll let you know. Shouldn't be long.
AND THAT'S ALL THERE IS TO IT! How incredibly easy can life get?
Nov. 2, 2010. THIS JUST IN! I think I'm set up on Paypal now. I'm still a little confused about how it works. I think what you'd do, if you order thru this site with Paypal, have the book shipped to me, and I will autograph it and send it to you, postage paid. Yeah, that's the ticket! That oughta work!!
Dang, if it were any easier, I could probably do it!
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